How to Handle and Respond of Online Slander, Defamation and Maliciousness

When facing online slander and defamation, it’s crucial to act swiftly and strategically. Begin by thoroughly documenting all instances of defamation. Take screenshots, save URLs, and note the dates and times of the posts to create a comprehensive record. This evidence is vital for any legal or remedial actions you might pursue.

Next, directly contact the platform or website hosting the defamatory content. Each platform typically has a process for reporting abuse or harmful content, often found under their terms of service or community guidelines. Provide clear evidence of the defamation and request the removal of the content. Be persistent, as initial attempts may not always succeed.

If the defamation continues or the platform fails to act, seeking legal advice is a prudent next step. An attorney specializing in defamation or cyber law can help you understand your rights and potential actions, such as sending a cease-and-desist letter or pursuing a defamation lawsuit.

Online reputation management (ORM) plays a critical role in your recovery. ORM professionals offer a multi-faceted approach:


      1. Monitoring and Analysis: They continuously monitor your online presence to identify new instances of defamation and assess their impact.

      1. Content Creation: ORM experts create and promote positive content about you or your business. This includes optimized blog posts, press releases, social media updates, and other content that highlights your achievements and values.

      1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): By using SEO techniques, ORM professionals push down negative content in search engine results, making it less visible to the public.

      1. Profile Management: They create and manage profiles on social media, professional networks, and other platforms to enhance your positive online presence.

      1. Engagement and Response: ORM specialists can help manage and respond to reviews and feedback professionally. They can address customer complaints constructively, showing your commitment to resolving issues and maintaining a positive image.

      1. Legal Coordination: ORM firms often work with legal professionals to ensure that all possible actions are being taken to remove defamatory content and address the harm caused.


    For example, if an ex-employee posts false accusations about your business on multiple review sites, an ORM firm would first work to have those reviews removed by contacting the sites directly. They might also publish positive customer testimonials and success stories on your website and social media, optimizing these posts so they appear higher in search results than the defamatory content.

    By leveraging ORM services, you can mitigate the damage caused by defamation, regain control of your online narrative, and restore your personal or professional reputation. This comprehensive approach ensures that your positive attributes are highlighted and any negative content is effectively managed and minimized. 

    Learn how we can help you emotionally, personally and professionally eliminate these posts and help you heal and reclaim your positive online reputation.